Priscilla Hall was tragically killed in a plane accident at Lake Lido, 65kms south of Jakarta on June 20th, 2004. Having lived the last two years of her life in Jakarta, Priscilla’s lifelong affinity for people extended into a great interest in assisting disadvantaged children. In light of this, Priscilla’s family and friends have established the Priscilla Hall Memorial Foundation, a not-for-profit, charitable fund that aims to help underprivileged children of Indonesia.

Vision Statement The vision of the Foundation is: “To provide direct and on-going assistance to Indonesian children in need, with a focus on meeting their basic nutritional, shelter and educational requirements.” Mission Focus The Foundation disburses funds to two categories of projects that fall within the above vision:
These projects may assist beneficiaries both with ongoing provision of day-to-day needs and larger, one-off infrastructure projects. The beneficiaries of the assisted projects are children living in Indonesia, particularly orphans or those in other disadvantaged circumstances. It is intended that projects be sustainable and on-going and result, long term, in tangible improvement in the living and/or educational standards of the beneficiaries. The implementation of all projects is closely monitored by the Executive Committee of the Foundation or a designated third party to ensure that all funds disbursed are used for the intended purpose.
– existing projects run by other reputable and charitable organisations – projects designed and implemented by the Executive Committee of the Foundation itself. In such cases, a third party may be involved in the implementation and administration of the project.
– The Foundation is established as a social welfare organization under the auspices of the Australian & New Zealand Association (ANZA) to meet Indonesia legal requirements for Charities. The Foundation is run by a group of volunteers who receive NO PAYMENT for their work. The main functions of the Foundation are exercised by the Executive Committee who appoint working groups of volunteers to design monitor and implement projects. – The current executive Chairperson is Stewart Hall Indonesia – Australia: The Glen Innes Rotary Club NSW
Funds held by the Foundation in Australia & Indonesia are held entirely for use in projects designated by the Executive Committee and supervised by ANZA. Both parties being in Indonesia.