Collaboration That Brings Innovative Ways to Combat Stunting in Cipanas, West Java
What better way to combat stunting than to provide the community with nutritious, affordable and easily accessible sources of food. Though tempeh is commonly consumed across households in Indonesia, many people still don’t realize the benefits of tempeh and how it can support the nutritional needs of pregnant women. Earlier this month, close to 40…
The Importance of Posyandu in Stunting Prevention
The Foundation is a 2022 sponsor & will continue in 2023 to support YUM who, as you read this report will appreciate, YUM has established a pilot program that other Yayasans could consider to reduce stunting in their areas of focus. In recent years, YUM has recognized the crucial role of supporting community-run Posyandu (Integrated…
Turning Kader Into Community Leaders
For close to a year now, with the help of many donors including the Priscilla Hall Memorial Foundation, YUM has been supporting and training 125 volunteer health workers (or better known as “kader” in Bahasa Indonesia) from 24 Integrated Health Posts (or “Posyandu”) in 8 villages in the sub-district of Cianjur (West Java). Training is…
A Healthy Baby Thanks to PHMF’s Support
Entering the second year of Priscilla Hall Memorial Foundation’s support of YUM’s health project, we are now seeing positive results of the work that’s being done on the field. One success story is that of a young mother called Fina (not her real name). Fina joined the Integrated Community Health Post (Posyandu) after her first-month…
1000 Days Fund Testing QR Codes to Track & Trace PHMF Smart Charts
in StuntingSmart charts are a key tool for stunting education and prevention. Installed in the homes of pregnant women and women with children under 2, the smart charts serve as a colorful, daily reminder to make better decisions regarding the health and well being of your child. Inspired by a Gates Foundation study in Zambia, which…
STUNTING Kader Training and the Power of Posyandu
in StuntingWe were pleased to see this TV Report on the Indonesian Problem in relation to Stunting . It shows that the Government is supportive to address the problem. The Foundation is in contact with selected Yayasans to introduce the project to their staff. Unfortunately due to Corona Virus progress has been delayed except for YUM…