Rote Farm

 We know Hamish Abbott whose family live in Priscilla’s home town Glen Innes . Hamish is a business man & surfer who loves his visits to Indonesia . He has a keen interest in helping people so he printed off the Food Plant Solutions Bahasa Field Guides to take on his trip to Rote Island . This is his recent message :In the town of Nemberala. I brought some seeds with me and was already friends with a family who has such a lovely big vegetable garden. They were very happy I had some new seeds with me, which we planted right away. And even MORE HAPPY to receive a copy of the food plant guide in their own language !! very big thanks to you from them. WE ARE VERY EXCITED THAT THE FIRST Bahasa Field Guide has been delivered . CAN YOU ASSIST US TO INTRODUCE THIS INFORMATION TO BENEFIT FAMILIES.