Apologies this is a late newsletter showing the details the PHMF received for support earlier this year. We did sponsor urgent building repairs.
Yayasan Badan Wakaf (YBW) is located in Amanjiwo’s home village of Majaksingi, Borobudur, Central Java. The orphanage is run by Drs. KH. Abdul Hafidz, Mpd.I – a couple native to Majaksingi. Bapak Abdul Hafidz built the orphanage in 2005 which then developed into a Middle School with 15 teachers. They now follow the Indonesian government curriculum with 10 taught subjects. The orphanage is home to about 100 children ranging in age from infants to late teens. Amanjiwo provides substantial support for the facility from renovation to maintenance and has done so for over 10 years now.
Amanjiwo’s role is to help raise funds and through these donations help to coordinate provision of daily supplies, scholarships, education and improvements to the building. The goal is to provide self-sustainable accommodation that will provide a safe and comfortable space for education, with access to water, energy, sewage treatment and healthy food.
Art Class
Amanjiwo’s art class for children takes place at our Rotunda two times every month. Here our guests can mingle with the children and teachers from the orphanage and take some time to appreciate their exhibited art works.
We believe that many bright students are buried in various life circumstances that hinder them from reaching their full potential, and we would like to help through our scholarship programme.
School Library
To provide the orphanage with a fully equipped library facility to enable the school to deliver a good educational foundation.
Sustainability Education
A cultural platform to enhance young people’s knowledge of being “green”. Children will grow up in the natural environment of Borobudur and learn to grow their own food as well as recycling and live sustainably.
Craft & Sports Program
For boys and girls interested in craft activities particularly using locally available materials or those wishing to embark in fun activities for physical education, music, drama, poetry, drawing, painting, and lots more!
You can view their progress reports below: