Prior to this Training of Trainers, the Financial Literacy workshop offered by YUM’s Vocational Training Centre in Cipanas was run with guest speakers from our various partners, either from a university, a corporate sponsor or other institutions. Over the years, with the support of volunteers and in collaboration with several staff members, we finally have our own Financial Literacy module that suits our youth’s current situation in the area where we serve. Our module starts with a basic question about how the habits in using money affects one’s life and how to manage personal finances to achieve certain financial or non-financial goals. The module is designed to make the participants active in every session and understand better about their own financial situation.
Last week, Ms. Yolanda, YUM’s Education Program Coordinator organized and ran the training session for the team in Cipanas, West Java. The same training was held for the team in Kalimantan a year ago. Through the session, we learned and shared about our financial knowledge and how the workshop can be beneficial for our beneficiaries, especially for the youth.
We hope that with this training, our staff and tutors in the Vocational Training Centre will be able to share and impart better knowledge about financial health to our students, so that they will be more prepared for formal employment and prevent them from making poor financial decisions in the future.