Priscilla HallPriscilla Hall was tragically killed in a plane accident at Lake Lido, south of Jakarta on June 20th, 2004. Priscilla's lifelong affinity for people extended into helping disadvantaged children. The Priscilla Hall Memorial Foundation is a not-for-profit, charitable fund that aims to help underprivileged children in Indonesia. Read more...
  Silakan perhatikan informasi di bawah ini, dan kami harap Anda berkenan membagikannya di timeline Facebook Anda. Kami berharap dapat menyebarluaskan informasi di atas kepada orang-orang atau organisasi yang berminat, yang dapat membantu dan mendorong kebun-kebun rumah tangga, untuk menanam tanaman bergizi yang dapat meningkatkan kesehatan keluarga, khususnya kesehatan Ibu dan Anak Indonesia. Informasi-informasi
  Please consider the information below and we ask that you share it on your Facebook timeline. We wish to distribute the above to interested people / organisations who can assist and encourage home gardens to grow nutritional plants that will improve the health of families, in particular Indonesian Mothers & Children. The information
 The Foundation was able to assist Yayasan Harapan Sumba with the purchase of Airline tickets to Bali . We admire the work that is being done to help the people of Sumba . We share with you a recent comment on the current conditions. Since 2009 YHS has run a program that tries to help
 In December 2013 when Don Hall  from Australia  was visiting Mama Sayang the most pressing need was a replacement Bus . The Foundation had done major repairs in 2009 to keep the bus on the road but it was now doubtful how long it could be safely keep on the road . After discussions it
 The  Yayasan Harapan Sumba  and the Foundation have been assisting Darius from a REMOTE area of the Island of Sumba Indonesia . His storey first appeared in our Newsletter of August 2014 .This is a recent report:  As you I’m sure remember, we thought that little Darius would need an operation to straighten his slightly club-foot.  That didn’t happen
THE FOUNDATION has been partnered with FPS since December 2013 to assist in bringing their program to INDONESIA . Here is their story :  Following the visit of a Burnie-based agricultural scientist, Bruce French, to Devonport North Rotary Club on the topic ‘Feeding a Hungry World’ on November 3rd, 2005, the ‘Food Plant Solutions’ project

Day for Girls Kits Distributed To Date

Sumba626 Sumbawa620 West Timor1008

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