Priscilla HallPriscilla Hall was tragically killed in a plane accident at Lake Lido, south of Jakarta on June 20th, 2004. Priscilla's lifelong affinity for people extended into helping disadvantaged children. The Priscilla Hall Memorial Foundation is a not-for-profit, charitable fund that aims to help underprivileged children in Indonesia. Read more...
Harapan Sumbawa Project On the 28th February 2021 and the 9th March 2021, the district of Hu´u SUMBAWA suffered terrible floods provoking severe damages in the houses and belongings of the families. The villages whom suffered the most severe damages were the villages of Daha, Marada and Rasabou, with the following data: 1.- Village of
One of YUM’s programs to prevent and reduce the number of stunting cases in Cipanas, and which is supported by the Priscilla Hall Memorial Foundation (PHMF), is the Antenatal Care Program for Pregnant women. Antenatal care is vital for pregnant mothers (especially new ones) in that it provides information about ensuring that their baby is
The Yayasan operates a residential Vocational Training Program for adults who have Mobility Disabilities . On behalf of Priscilla Hall Memorial Foundation, Golf Events Indonesia was very humble & proud to present the donation to @wismacheshire to support young people with disabilities, through art & craft, music, sports & skills training. It was extremely heartwarming
This year,  YUM’s Early Childhood Learning Centre and Tutoring & Remedial Class participated in the International Read To Me! Day. The event was conducted in two places; in YUM’s library and in the students’ homes. In the library, 22 children were excited by the books read to them by Miss Desi and Miss Heti (YUM’s
In March 2021, the Vocational Training Centre (VTC) completed the English classes by granting students with certificates of participation. The certificates were given to the students as an appreciation of their commitment to complete the chosen session from the modules even though they were unable to fully attend all their classes. We understand their difficulties
Since September, the Priscilla Hall Memorial Foundation (PHMF) has provided support for 10 Integrated Health Service Posts (or Posyandu) in the area of Cipanas, West Java, serving more than 800 babies and toddlers and approximately 100 pregnant mothers. The program focuses on preventing further stunting in the area. Indeed, one of the predicted impacts of

Day for Girls Kits Distributed To Date

Sumba626 Sumbawa620 West Timor1008

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