This is the storey of the leadership of Amy Headifen who The PHMF meet in 2005 . This resulted in Yayasan Rawanala being painted in colours to assist the Children in 2005. (photo) . Amy indentified the importance of establishing the following and with the generious pledge supporters at our Annual Golf Day the funds have assisted to employ a coordinator .
Balita Tuna Netra-Parents Support Group is a family to family support initiative, established in February of 2010 by a proactive team of parents of Blind-Visually Impaired children, based in Jakarta, Indonesia.
“Balita Tuna Netra” translates as “Blind children under 5 years of age”
“Jadilah mataku Genggam tanganku” translates as ‘be my eyes, hold my hand’ resonating the needs of all Visually Impaired but most especially, the parent-child relationship; the “Balita Tuna Netra family” relationship and the ultimate ‘relationship’: community integration.
No government or social infrastructure exists for these children and their families. The purpose of the group is to provide support, a role model, motivation and education.
Through Paediatricians, Opthalmologists and the community, “new” families of blind babies & toddlers are referred to “Banet” (names are always condensed in Indonesia!)
The ‘new’ family is contacted by phone, buddied with an ‘existing’ family then supported via sms, the popular facebook or home visits. This parent-based education is very effective and bonding.
We believe that if mothers (in particular) have knowledge, it enhances their confidence and direction. The baby benefits from day one, maximizing their learning potential and optimizing their integration into society.
Articles, books and workshops are provided over time.
Banet has taken counseling training; sourced parent manuals from the Perkins Institute in Boston and continues to distribute referral packs to Opthalmologists and Paediatricians across Indonesia.
The big news for 2011 is ‘Balita Tuna Netra’ is now a registered Yayasan!!
Amy Headifen Jakarta 0811960547