
The Foundation has been pleased to contribute to a major up grade at Jakarta Kampung Kids .Of the various Yayasans in Jakarta, Kampung Kids are interesting  because of their 3-phase program.Basic Nutrition – Young children as well as pregnant and breastfeeding mothers are provided with one meal per day + a cup of milk. Education – Playgroups and tutoring classes are set up for children of all ages, some of whom have never attended school and are illiterate. Health and Hygiene – Quarterly health checks are provided by volunteer doctors/nurses; young children receiving milk are weighed monthly to check progress. Here is some past History:

This foundation grew out of the efforts of one expatriate woman working to improve her neighbourhood. She succeeded in expanding her programs by  wide reaching personal involvement and support within the generous expatriate community. She started by cooking soup and providing fruit for her son’s little Indonesian playmates once a week. As the number of children attending grew rapidly, it became obvious that many more children in the neighbourhood  lacked proper nutrition. Her Pejaten Barat soup kitchen led to the legal formation of Yayasan Kampung Kids in November 1999.