Children Village


      Andi had the opportunity of attending the PHMF Vocational Training Centre at Cipanas. After his final school year he secured a part time job in the YUM library at Cipanas .We were able to assist with a contribution to pay for his IT course.  His recent  letter reflects that he is a  worthy of a number of donors…


     The sixth term of the Vocational Training Centre (VTC) started on January 20th, 2014 with 180 registered students. We opened 10 classes consisting of 4 English Classes, 5 Computer Classes and 1 Sewing Class. We had not had a  Hospitality Class this term, because our schedule for this class did not match with the schedule…

  • PHMF Vocational Training Centre – Building Repairs

    In December 2013 Don Hall visited Cipanas to discuss the 2014 teaching program .. It was observed that the building in which all the lessons are conducted needed some attention having been in use for over 30 years  .The Foundation decided to fund the repairs in the next school vacation in April after the classes &…

  • New Computers for PHMF Vocational Training Centre

        In December Don Hall had the opportunity of visiting Cipanas to meet with YUM Chair-Person   Olvia  Reksodipoetro to tour the centre . The following report was received and again highlights the IMPORTANCE of the centre .   One of the favorite trainings among students is Computer Skills, as they realize how important it is in this technological era.…

  • PHMF Introduced Yard Ball

    The children in the orphanages are just like any other children. They have a lot of energy and urge to move around so much. After years of supporting the institution they live with, we thought it was time for us to give the kids a little fun to channel their extra energy. On June 26…