Digital Marketing and Entrepreneurship training with YoExplore

Last month, the VTC’s computer class students had the great opportunity of learning about digital marketing and entrepreneurship with YoExplore. For three days, the trainer delivered essential information and knowledge about promoting a brand using digital media. The materials were given by using interactive video and presentations.

YoExplore is community based online marketplace for people to list and book unique traveling experience designed and/or delivered by locals. They use online platform to reach a global market and contributing positive social impact for local communities together with the global travelers.

Together with YUM’s staffs, the students were very enthusiastic to understand about the concept of digital marketing, personal branding and blogging. At the end of the training, all of the participants had to write an article with a free theme and read it in front of the class. This session was aimed to build the confidence of the students.

“I finished my computer course at YUM VTC in 2014 and Mr. Deden was my tutor. I was so delighted when YUM selected me as one of the participants for this training. I was nervous and scared when I had to read my writing in front of everyone. The knowledge that I have now is very valuable; it makes me more confident to start my own business as soon as I graduate from school. “ Reza, High School student.

With the wonderful support of Priscilla Hall Memorial Foundation, Yayasan Usaha Mulia has been able to continue providing qualified computer training for disadvantaged youth in the area. Hundreds of youth can benefit from this course and the additional workshops and trainings that YUM provides. Thank you PHMF for your continuous support!