crown relocations

  • Rawinala


    As a school for those who are blind and have other disabilities, Rawinala is currently shut for learning but they do still have obligations to pay their staff and they have pupils staying in the dormitories who are unable to travel home to their families. Along with so many other charities, they have been struggling…


    The Hall Family is appreciative of the continued support since 2004 by many people to hold the Annual Charity Golf Day. The day is organised by Golf Events Indonesia who always go the extra mile to support the event. The funds raised are due to the many sponsors who give their support each year. We…


    The Foundation in December 2013 partnered with FOOD PLANT SOLUTIONS and YUM to research & Audit suitable nutritious plants for Indonesia . The partners are delighted to see that the bulk of our 1000 ROTARY printed Guides have been distributed to a number of Yayasan & others . Thank you Crown Relocations Indonesia in assisting in this…

  • Computers: new girls’ haven

    Catherine Booth Orphanage is a home for girls under the management of The Salvation Army Indonesia. A home for currently thirty girls at the age of five to eighteen. The facility was built to house one hundred girls but with lack of funds and other problems, it is merely a big building with a lot…

  • A House of Hope

    Today, Yayasan Puspita Rumah Sahabat Anak housed nearly 60 teenagers who had decided to leave their lives on the streets and came back to school. Committed to provide life skills for the teenagers and children from the surrounded area, Yayasan Puspita is not only making sure that each children receive support for their tuition fees.…

  • Annual Fund Raising December: PHMF Golf Invitational

    The 8th annual golf tournament for Priscilla Hall Memorial Foundation was recently held in December 2011 in support of the mission of the foundation: “To provide direct and on-going assistance to Indonesian children in need, with a focus on meeting their basic nutritional, shelter and educational requirements.” Hosted by Mr. Stewart Hall, one of the founders and…