Today, Yayasan Puspita Rumah Sahabat Anak housed nearly 60 teenagers who had decided to leave their lives on the streets and came back to school.
Committed to provide life skills for the teenagers and children from the surrounded area, Yayasan Puspita is not only making sure that each children receive support for their tuition fees. Yayasan Puspita provides the children with many activities which improve their skills in English, Computers, Communication and even Entrepreneurship. Kids are able to form ideas for small businesses & make them actually work!
Priscilla Hall Memorial Foundation stepped in when Yayasan Puspita reported that their computers are no longer working. PHMF is in the process of making a small computer class for the kids. We received a donation of five computers from Australia and hand-in-hand with Crown Movers, those computers are on their way to Jakarta.
While waiting for the five computers to arrive, in October 8th PHMF provided a computer which later will be the teacher’s computer and also act as a server. An unlimited internet broadband was also subscribed to make sure that the yayasan and the children are well connected to the world.
We will update the news when the computers from Australia arrive in Jakarta. Meanwhile, the house will continue its mission to be the house of hope for those no-longer unfortunate kids.