Vocational Training Indonesia

  • Now, I can make a simple financial report using Excel!

    In January, the VTC Computer students finished their 3 months course.  During the last session before their final exam, the tutor, Mr. Ryan, ran a remedial session for the students. This session focused on revising the course content and ensuring that the students are properly equipped to sit their final exam. The students continually showed…


    One of YUM’s sustainability initiative programs is a program called “Edutourism” which connects people who care with the local communities that YUM supports through service activities. This program is open to adults as well as students from local and international schools. Last December, we received a visit from Sekolah Bogor Raya (SBR) students. One of…


    The PEC continues to assist local unemployed youth to secure a position in the local Resort & general tourist business.  The school missed a term when the Mt Agung erupted within view of the school. To date 40 students have attended with 28 securing a position. The centre is well equipped with two separate rooms.…

  • PHMF vocational training Center Bali student find jobs as semester comes to a close

    PHMF vocational training Center Bali student find jobs as semester comes to a close

    As this Semester come to a close many of the students have secured training jobs  leading to a future for themselves and their families with new English and computer skills the graduating students enter the interviews with confidence. The positions are all in tourism at the Dive Center’s gift shops and hotels  Good work graduates.

  • Digital Marketing and Entrepreneurship training with YoExplore

    Digital Marketing and Entrepreneurship training with YoExplore

    Last month, the VTC’s computer class students had the great opportunity of learning about digital marketing and entrepreneurship with YoExplore. For three days, the trainer delivered essential information and knowledge about promoting a brand using digital media. The materials were given by using interactive video and presentations. YoExplore is community based online marketplace for people…


    This semester we held a new computer class specifically on learning the use of Internet for parents.  This first project collaborates with the parents of YUM’s preschool students. This class is not only for mothers but fathers are also allowed to join this class.  It was a big day for everyone, not only for the…